Rock Stream Vineyards is an estate winery owned and operated by Dr. Mark Karasz. Mark is a West Point graduate and a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel with a PhD in chemistry. A three-year tour in Italy inspired him to make wine and Grappa. After returning from Italy, he founded Rock Stream Vineyards and began growing his own grapes and making wine, brandy, Grappa and ports.
The tasting room on Route 14 and Fir Tree Point Road has been open since July 2005 and is now Seneca Lake’s only winery that is also a licensed Grappa and Grape Brandy distillery. The vineyard has 30 acres of vines producing over 150 tons of grapes annually to make premium, hand-crafted wines. Rock Stream also features three beers made with Mark’s recipes at Cortland Beer Company. Come by and visit all year round and enjoy “The Wine of Your Life.”