River Run Vintners

River Run Vintners

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J.P. Pawloski works his boutique winery in the rural outskirts of Watsonville, California near Aromas, about a half hour south of Santa Cruz.

J.P. spent his early year’s river rafting for pleasure and by working as a river raft guide in Northern California. His passion for the wine industry was fueled due to a long history of dabbling in winemaking, home brewing and apprenticing in the restaurant industry. “The fermenting business was fermenting in my mind” — but he needed something, some sort of sign, to tie everything together.

That sign would come in the early 80’s. J.P. and his wife Kristine decided to settle down and have a family. While searching for a home they came upon their present property which included a former winery aptly named River Run. Whether it was fate or coincidence the name was a perfect fit for the river rafter from Northern California. The winery came with it’s own challenges, “The termites were taking care of it” quips J.P. By 1982, J.P. had renovated the old winery and River Run Vintners was established – a beloved hobby had turned into J.P.’s full time business.

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