Rivah Vineyards at the Grove

Rivah Vineyards at the Grove Claimed

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Thank you for coming to our Vineyard and Winery website. My name is William Bryce Taylor. Everyone calls me Bryce. I have had this dream, ever since I came to the Northern Neck to do something by working outside; to do something with the soil; to do something with our farm that is exciting and interesting. My Grandfather, William Brown Taylor, Sr., who owned the farm taught me to love the land, to respect it and to use it to grow all kinds of things. He had a great vegetable garden and would share the benefits of it in the growing season with many folks in the community.  I am now farming grapes on the same land that my grandfather loved so much and now the land that I have come to love myself. I am ready to share my garden with you now.

The land we are on (see History Page) has been in our family for generations. The Federal style brick house here on the property was finished in 1832. If you look real hard you can see the date on a brick way up on the chimney, as well as the initials of the brick mason. The house was built by my fifth great-grandparents – David Ball Taylor and his wife Fannie Bailey Taylor. The land was originally in the Bailey family. We suspect that there was an earlier house on the property somewhere, however, we have yet to find a foundation.


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