Valhalla Vineyards

Valhalla Vineyards Claimed

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Acquiring the property in 1994, James and Debra Vascik began to clear away the peach trees that originally covered the landscape to make way for the grapevines to be planted. Valhalla was the first vineyard outside of California to produce Alicante Bouschet, and among the first to grow Syrah in Virginia. In 1996, construction began on the winery and barrel cave. While excavation for the cave, a Buddha statue was unearthed in the depths. With no idea of why Buddha was left behind and the knowledge of his good karma, he now blesses our winery and vineyard. The barrel cave at 60 feet underground has the perfect conditions of year-round temperature, steady humidity, and darkness to properly age wines for handcrafted beauty. Reminiscent of French caves, our cave is lined with up to 300 barrels representing four vintage years at Valhalla.

Valhalla was conceived as a vineyard and winery to allow us to strive for perfection. With each new vintage, there was something new to discover, learn and improve. Many of you, our friends and customers, helped us plant our vines or were with us to harvest the first fruit. We continue to produce and provide world-class wines.


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